This is recommended when you want to go ‘deeper’, when you want to search in a more profound way about the causes, why’s, hows, and so on of a disbalance/ discontentment/ disease/problem…. so that you may become aware of them and are able to transform them When we are struggling for quite a while with them it sure can be good to go deeper.
This route is also appropriate when you are on a path of inner growth, expanding consciousness, …when you want more profound answers to questions of your heart
Mainly this route consists of two parts but/and you can choose for only one
°° a part consisting of a series of (one to three/six)light/soundsessions with the purpose to bring the bodies and there aspects more in balance, and so healing them
In such a session (see song/crystal bowl healing session – offer) you are bathed in a sound/light-bath of song-, crystal singing bowls- and colorfrequencies. These frequencies that are offered are the ‘healthy’ frequencies of the most important energycentres of the bodies. The centers out of balance come to resonate – vibrate with the offered healthy tones/colors/frequencies and so they get balanced again, completely or partially.
A serie of sessions is often more powerful healing because of the presence of repetition, ‘japa’ like in the reciting of mantra’s : the continious repetition , offer of the healing frequenties anchors them more. This is the same for medecins, we have to take them regularly till balance is settled.
Sometimes a song/crystal bowl-session is replaced by a Healing Alfabet/Mudra-session. In such a session the sounds(wordsounds) are replaced by their move-equivalents(alfabetdance) – for more information about such a session : look at offer – alfabet/mudra session
°° a part where the focus is on searching the cause of your disbalance/discontent etc. so that you become aware of it and are able to transform it. Also it is a part that just can help on a path of inner growth and consciousness-expansion. A part that can give more profound answers to questions of your heart .And so on.
This part is helping in an unconscious way by means of the Healing Dream/Oracle Images in the Dream/Oracle Short Story, in a conscious way by means of everything I receive and by means of the interpretations of the story.
This part is a unity with four (often , not always)sections, and they contain :
°° your Essence-Name (and meaning) , -tone and the ‘beautiful’ in you received in meditation. Singing/reciting the Essence Name is part of the word/sound therapy : singing or reciting it is connecting you stronger with your Essence and your wise/loving core the
°° hindrances, received in meditation
°° the Dream/Oracle Short Story(s) (and their interpretations), that I undertake to obtain some clarity concerning your problem/disbalance/discontent, or to obtain answers for a question of your heart, for questions concerning your inner growth,etcetera. I receive these stories in a kind of shamanic travels and it are images/visions in a dreamlanguage that emerge. It goes about images that are showing what is happening, and they really are messages of the universe . In these stories information about the beautiful in you, hindrances appear and often devices of assistance are offered too.
More information about the Dream/Oracle Short Story can be found among the ‘offers’. This story can be offered on its own, without the context of the ‘route’. This goes for the Essence Name as well.
°° a fourth unit contains the devices of assistance coming from the meditations,stories and other sources.(f.i. regularly plant-essences are offered)
Both parts work in a different way to provide healing,growth, consciousness,transformation and support, reinforce each other.
You can choose for only the sound/word-part when you want to search in an other way for the causes of a discontent/disbalance/problem or when you have no need for this…or when you want to work in a different way about inner growth,consciousness-expansion,etc. and sound/word is like a supplement for you in this proces.
You can choose for only the sound/wordpart when you just want to go deeper by means of sound, word and light.
You can choose only for the second part when you want mainly to search for the causes, why’s,how’s and so on , of a discontent/problem/hindrance etc. ..when you want mainly to go deeper what a ‘question of your heart’, inner growth, etc is concerned,….
when you want to work mainly with the power of ‘images’, ……….when you don’t like to work with sound/word ….